
Registration form for the Information session for CTR stakeholders
3 th February 10h-12h

Inicio > Registration form for the Information session for CTR stakeholders
3 th February 10h-12h
> Registration form for the Information session for CTR stakeholders
3 th February 10h-12h
Joint action on support to coordinated and expedited assessment of clinical trials for COVID-19 therapeutics holds an information session for CTR stakeholders to inform and clarify any question before its start.


10-10.15 h: Introduction of the Joint Action EU4 Health CT Cure : Expedited assessment of COVID 19 therapeutics.
Edit Szepessi ( European Commission DG Health and Food safety, Pharmaceuticals , Policy officer )
10.15h-10.30 h: Highlights of the project EU4 Health CT Cure : Team members , Structure , Deliverables.
Greet Musch ( Federal Agency for Medicinal and Health Products , General Director Pre-authorisation)
10.30h-11h: Best Practice Guide for expedited assessment of multi-national COVID 19 therapeutic trials.
Ann Marie Janson Lang ( Swedish Medicinal Product Agency , Co-Chair CTFG)
11h-11.45h: Questions and Answers
11.45h-12h Wrap up and close of the meeting.
Edit Szepessi ( European Commission DG Health and Food safety, Pharmaceuticals , Policy officer)


* indicates required