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HMA Plenary group – Communication survey

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HMA Plenary group – Communication survey

This survey pretends to gather some data regarding communication activities at a national level and for HMA. This information will be presented in the breakout session of the HMA I meeting that is going to take place in Santiago de Compostela, from

* indicates required
5. Do you consider communication strategic in your organization?
6. Is communication part of the steering committee of your organization?
8. The main activities of the communication department are listed below, please value their importance for your NCA (1 being the minimum and 5 the maximum)
Media relations
Online publications and social media
Creation of adapted materials
Writing press releases and LTT
Writing materials for presentations and publications
9. The main activities of the Working Group of Communication Professionals (HMA WGCP) are listed below, please value their importance for HMA (from “The most important” to “The least important”)
Sharing information and align with EMA for a coordinated communication
Improve internal communication among members in order to create workflows that improve NCA communication performance (like media coverage at a national level)
Contribute to the development of the HMA website and HMA communication materials
Support the HMA Presidency’s communications requirements
10. Rate the following statements regarding HMA communication
HMA ccommunication must be a counterweight to EMA communication strategy
HMA communication goal should be to generate awareness in the general public
HMA communication should focus in some specific targets to generate awareness among them (industry, academia, et.)
HMA communication should be oriented to improve internal communication among NCA
HMA communication should improve the corporate communication and website
WGCP should give support to the management board in communication matters
11. These are the main challenges that WGCP has identified that need to be solved to improve HMA communication. Please value their importance for HMA (1 being the minimum and 5 the maximum)
Lack of resources
Very diverse situation among WGCP members
Lack of involvement of the members
Inability to compete with EMA communication activities
Lack of definition of the role of the group within HMA and its main activities
12. Are you able to add more resources to WGCP to face all these challenges?