Type | Description | Euros |
1.01 | Fee for the evaluation, authorisation and registration of a new medicine for human use (application in accordance with article 17, with the exception of the provision in 17.3) | 21.576,36 |
1.02 | Fee for the evaluation, authorisation and registration of a new generic medicine for human use (application in accordance with article 17.3) | 8.776,68 |
1.03 | Fee for the evaluation, authorisation and registration of a new medicinal gas | 8.776,68 |
1.04 | Fee for changing the ownership of a marketing authorisation for a medicine for human use, or for changing the owner’s representative | 733,16 |
1.05 | Fee for the variation of a marketing authorisation for medicines for human use, classified as of “major importance” Type II | 7.411,44 |
1.06 | Fee for the variation of a marketing authorisation for medicines for human use, classified as Type IB | 1.299,94 |
1.07 | Fee for the variation of a marketing authorisation for medicines for human use, classified as type IA (including those of type IA with immediate notification) | 753,83 |
1.08 | Fee for the renewal application for a medicine for human use | 2.437,84 |
1.09 | Annual fee for the maintenance of an already-authorised medicine for human use | 388,88 |
1.10 | Fee for the authorisation procedure for a “parallel imported” medicine for human use | 942,21 |
1.11 | Fee for the variation for a “parallel imported” medicine for human use | 381,37 |
1.12 | Fee for the renewal for a “parallel imported” medicine for human use | 381,37 |
1.13 | Fee for the notification of an imported medicine for human use | 373,62 |
1.14 | Fee for issuing an European certification for the batch release of vaccines and blood products for human use when the batch-analysis of a medicine is required | 1.261,21 |
1.15a | Fee for the batch release of blood products and vaccines in accordance with articles 41.4 and 43.3 of Royal Decree 1345/2007, of 11th October: (a) each individual application | 105,10 |
1.15b | Fee for the batch release of blood products and vaccines in accordance with articles 41.4 and 43.3 of Royal Decree 1345/2007, of 11th October: (b) between 6 and 10 applications/year (per year) | 525,51 |
1.15c | Fee for the batch release of blood products and vaccines in accordance with articles 41.4 and 43.3 of Royal Decree 1345/2007, of 11th October: (c) between 11 and 40 applications/year (per year) | 1.576,52 |
1.15d | Fee for the batch release of blood products and vaccines in accordance with articles 41.4 and 43.3 of Royal Decree 1345/2007, of 11th October: (d) between 41 and 160 applications/year (per year) | 3.678,54 |
1.15e | Fee for the batch release of blood products and vaccines in accordance with articles 41.4 and 43.3 of Royal Decree 1345/2007, of 11th October: (e) for more than 160 applications/year (per year) | 5.255,05 |
1.16 | Fee for issuing an European certification for the batch release of vaccines and blood products for human use when a bulk-analysis is required (by bulk) | 353,14 |
1.17 | Fee for the evaluation of an application for a galenic innovation | 1.024,00 |
1.18 | Authorisation to export narcotic and psychotropic medicines to EU countries and third countries | 178,67 |
1.19 | Fee for the activities outlined in section 6 of article 11 | 381,37 |
1.20 | Fee for reserving a slot to act as the Reference Member State in a Decentralised or Mutual Recognition Procedure | 788,26 |
Fees Group I
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List of types of fees > Fees Group I