
About us

Inicio > AEMPS > About us
Last update: July 24, 2023

The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS), as a public agency attached to the Ministry of Health, is responsible for guaranteeing, from a public service perspective, the quality, safety, efficacy and correct information of medicines and medical devices, through their life cycle, in the interest of the protection and promotion of people’s health, animal health and the environment.


To protect human and animal health by providing guarantees on medicines, health products, cosmetics, personal care products and biocides, and to promote scientific-technical knowledge by putting it at the service of society for its benefit and progress.


To be the health authority of reference for citizens and health professionals in terms of quality assurance, safety, efficacy, information and accessibility of medicines, medical devices, cosmetics, personal care products and biocides.


The AEMPS, as a public agency, operates in the relationship with various stakeholders under the principles of objectivity, integrity, honesty, independence, transparency, confidentiality and participation.

The values that guide its actions are:

  • Dedication and focus on citizenship and stakeholders.
  • Commitment to continuous improvement, quality, the environment and occupational health and safety.
  • Innovative spirit, openness to change and willingness to take on the necessary challenges.

Services provided

Among the activities we develop are:

  • Evaluation, authorization, quality control and continuous monitoring of the efficacy and safety of human and veterinary medicines.
  • Control and surveillance of medical devices, cosmetics, personal care products and biocides.
  • Inspection, authorization and/or registration of pharmaceutical laboratories of medicines, manufacturers, importers and distributors of their active ingredients, as well as of companies and facilities of medical devices, cosmetics, personal care products and biocides.
  • Information about medicines, medical devices, cosmetics, personal care products and biocides.
  • Combating illegal and falsified medicines, medical devices, cosmetics, personal care products and biocides.
  • Management of drug supply and procurement problems.
  • Authorization of clinical trials and research with medicines and medical devices.
  • Regulatory and scientific-technical support for research and innovation.
  • Coordination of the National Plan against Antibiotic Resistance (PRAN).
  • Foreign and intra-community trade of medicines and their raw materials, medical devices, cosmetics, personal care products and biocides.

National Government Equality Plan

The AEMPS, as a public body of the AGE, is subject to the III Gender Equality Plan, approved by Resolution of the General Secretariat of Public Function on December 29, 2020.