Last update: 15 January 2018
Version 2 – January 15th 2018
In order to initiate the legal procedure regarding reimbursement of fees, according to the Spanish Law, it is necessary to send a formal application letter in Spanish by post, asking for them.
The written application has to be signed by the legal representative of the company and has to include:
- Name, VAT identification number and official address of the reimbursement applicant. (The name must be the same as the original paper of fees you claimed)
- Collating photocopy for Power of Attorney of legal representative, translated in Spanish that includes the “La Haya’s Apostille”. The collating document has to be certified as a legally recognize authority Spanish Embassies or Consulate are a legally recognize authority.
- A copy of the bank transfer or the original paper of fees claimed of fees.
- The amount of the claim.
- A short description of the fact that give rise to the claim of reimbursement.
- The IBAN code of the bank account where are supposed to receive the reimbursement of fees. This account must be opened in the name of the applicant.
- Bank name, address and SWIFT code.
The postal address for the application is Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios. Accounting and fees section (C/ Campezo 1, Edificio 8. 28022 MADRID – SPAIN).
In order to solve up for any mistake, please consider including in the application a contact-point by phone or email. In the AEMPS the information phone, supported in Spanish, is +(34)-902.101.322, the FAX in the Accounting and Fees Section is +(34)-918225127 and the email:
Legal references:
- Real Decreto 1275/2011, de 16 de septiembre, por el que se crea la Agencia estatal “Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios” y se aprueba su Estatuto [AEMPS statute]
- Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas.
- Ley 58/2003, de 17 de diciembre, General Tributaria.
- Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2015, de 24 de julio, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Garantías y uso racional de los medicamentos y productos sanitarios.
- Ley 8/1989, de 13 de abril, de Tasas y Precios Públicos.