Type | Description | Euros |
9.01 | Fee for applying for market authorisation for a veterinary medicinal product (VMP), except for applications outlined in article 17.3 | 10.788,17 |
9.02 | Fee for applying for market authorisation for a generic VMP (file issued in accordance with article 17.3) | 4.388,33 |
9.03 | Fee for transfer of a marketing authorisation of a VMP, or for changing the local representative | 733,16 |
9.04 | Fee for the procedure of modifying the authorisation for VMP, classified as “major importance” Type II | 3.705,72 |
9.05 | Fee for the procedure of modifying the authorisation for VMP, classified as Type IB | 1.274,45 |
9.06 | Fee for the procedure of modifying the authorisation for VMP, classified as type IA (including those type IA with immediate notification) | 753,83 |
9.07 | Fee for the authorisation of the renewal procedure for a VMP | 2.437,84 |
9.08 | Annual single fee for declaring an intention of commercialisation of an already-authorised VMP | 125,08 |
9.09 | Fee for the authorisation procedure for the “parallel importing” of a VMP | 768,93 |
9.10 | Fee for assessment of the six-monthly safety report of a VMP, whether or not the product is registered in Spain | 398,25 |
9.11 | Fee for assessment of the annual safety report of a veterinary medicine, whether or not the product is registered in Spain | 788,61 |
9.12 | Fee for assessment of the three-yearly or longer safety report of a VMP, whether or not the product is registered in Spain | 2.365,84 |
9.13 | Fee for issuing European certification for the formal batch release of an immunological VMP in accordance with article 81 of Directive 2001/82/EC | 353,14 |
9.14 | Fee for issuing European certification for the formal batch release of an immunological VMP in accordance with article 82 of Directive 2001/82/EC | 1.261,21 |
9.15 | Fee for reserving a slot for Spain to act as the Reference Member State in a Decentralised or Mutual Recognition procedure | 420,40 |
Fees Group IX
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